Monday, January 9, 2017

Some of our favorite things!

We were driving down the road when Dennis hits the brakes. He pulls off the road and runs out into the field that is being harvested by hand by this husband and wife. He gets a picture of them, tries out their harvesting knife, invites them to hear the missionaries, and brings me a bouquet:


Reunited with one of our wonderful RMs!!

Mission Presidents' Seminar in November. This is our Batch!!

Sister Spa Day!! Getting up the courage to feed our feet to the doctor fish.

Most Valuable Players: Mission Chef, his wife, and our wonderful Sister Mercy.

Selfie before the official group picture.

All tucked into the trike and ready to roll!

Senior Missionary time!

Exercise! Dennis has loved these occasional mornings. 

Our treasured office sisters


Twelve Days of Christmas acted out. What a lot of fun!
Family Baptisms!

Interviews complete. How we love this work and these missionaries!!!
Refreshing early start on the day of interviews up north. A true rarity and thoroughly enjoyed!